Ostern is the German word for Easter. The way Germans
celebrate this holiday is probably the same as in the United States. In
Germany, Easter, besides Christmas is the most important holiday. On Easter
usually families come together and have a nice meal and the children have
to find the colored Easter Eggs. Another very famous custom is also that
the families take a walk called an Easter walk.
Easter is the oldest Christian holiday and it is
the most important one in the Christian year. It has been celebrated since
the second century to remember the death and the resurrection of Jesus
In the second and third century Easter was celebrated on different
days and there were arguments about when to celebrate it. In 325 AD the
council of Nicäa fixed the day of celebration on the day of the first
full moon after March 21st.
Easter Sunday is the beginning of "Easter time" which lasts 50 days
and ends on Pfingsten - Whitsun.
In the Catholic Church the Easter meal is very important because on
Easter the Lent season ends.
In the country the Man of the family, on Easter
Sunday, goes to the well and brings back water. On the way back he must
not speak to anyone, to make sure the water is pure. At breakfast
they have have easter bread and eggs, brought by the easter bunny.